Bihar or Vihar, which means to discover. All in all, the state is crucial in terms of tourism. Temples, mosques, forts - thousands tombs and historical sites, which will tell the story of its glorious past.
Megasthnij the Greek historian and ambassador to the court of Chandragupta Maurya (350 BC -290 BC) in his book Indica mentioned splendor of the province.
Megasthnij Pataliputra the capital of Magadha in his book, saying that before Pataliputra Rome and Athens is less than half capacity.

The tourists BC ancient and medieval buildings and the last two thousand years of history are aware. The Kumhrar complex, Agmkuan, Mahendrugat, there are the remains of the fort built by Sher Shah.
British carpet Jalan Museum buildings, rotunda, Patna Museum, Legislative Assembly Building, High Court Building, sadaqat Ashram heads.

Knowledge - Science in Patna University, Khudabkhsh Library, Library sacchidanand Sinha, Sanjay Gandhi Biological Park, Sri Krishna Sinha Centre, Indira Gandhi Planetarium and Science Complex is famous.
In addition, Sita Kund and Bhima section of Munger, Aurangabad Sun Temple, picnic spots Kalolt, Mr. Sreshti Sudarshan temple, garden buzzing Kmldhazi proven field is important in terms of tourism.
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